Resuscitation Council UK
Defib Dani

Film & Campaign Description

Anyone can save a life, and anyone can use a defibrillator. Watch our animated character Defib Dani take you through the steps to using a public access defibrillator.

61% of people say they aren’t confident enough to use a defibrillator, yet early CPR and defibrillation can significantly increase survival rates.

What many don’t realise is that a defibrillator is designed to be used by the public and when you switch it on, it will take you through the steps you need to help save a life. Watch our animation to increase your confidence today.

Defib Dani is also available to watch in Welsh and Urdu. Watch our Welsh translation here and watch our Urdu translation here.

Resuscitation Council UK

Resuscitation Council UK is working towards a day when every person in society has the skills they need to save a life.

Resuscitation Council UK is the national expert in resuscitation.

Formed in 1983, Resuscitation Council UK is committed to ensuring that survival rates for in and out of hospital cardiac arrest improve. We’re doing this by driving CPR education, and encouraging everyone, from healthcare workers to the general public, to learn life-saving resuscitation skills.

Our committees of healthcare professionals bring decades of expertise, research, and training experience to help us deliver life support courses and provide clinical guidelines for health and care professionals.

We want to make sure more people arrive at a hospital with their best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest, and with an opportunity to receive the care they deserve both during the event and while they recover. This involves public participation and learning skills in CPR so we can all help the people around us in an emergency.