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Baton of Hope
Baton of Hope UK: Brighton, 5th July 2023

Film & Campaign Description

On Wednesday 5th July 2023, the Baton of Hope came to Brighton, and was carried by 90 people, either in memory of a loved one lost to suicide, or in honour of their own survival. 

Hundreds of local people supported the Baton's journey, including superstar DJ Norman Cook aka Fatboy Slim and local hero Solly March from Brighton & Hove Albion FC, who was the final Brighton Baton Bearer, along with his best friend Harry Clarke whose brother died from suicide.

A journey which started under blue skies at the Peace Statue in Hove, through five daytime events of music, poetry and talks, culminating at the Brighton Dome for a spectacular Evening of Hope.

#suicideprevention #passiton

Produced by Marc Convey
Filmed by James Beer and Tom Kelly
Edited by James Beer 
'Into My Arms' written and performed by Charlie Hula

Baton of Hope

12 cities in 12 days. That was the intention behind the biggest suicide prevention initiative the UK has ever seen. Creating connection between people with lived experience of suicide, and raising the profile of this issue like never before.

The exquisitely-designed Baton became a powerful symbol in Summer 2023, uniting the country and empowering communities to have more courageous conversations about suicide, knowing that the more we all talk about suicide, the more we will prevent future deaths from suicide.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

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