You are viewing an archived entry from the 2023 awards

People’s Choice Award 2023 Longform £350,000-£5 million
Judges’ Award 2023 Longform £350,000-£5 million

Prisoners Abroad
Preventing Homelessness After Prison Overseas

Film & Campaign Description

Prisoners Abroad is a human rights and welfare charity providing humanitarian aid, advice and emotional support to people affected by overseas imprisonment. We assist British citizens during their incarceration, when they return to the UK and need access to resettlement services, and we also support their family and friends throughout the trauma.

We translate human rights law into practical life-saving actions by providing prisoners access to vitamins and essential food, emergency medical care, freepost envelopes to keep in touch with home and books and magazines to help sustain mental health.

We also help family members affected by a loved one’s imprisonment by providing one to one support as well as hosting family support groups around the country and arranging overseas visits.

Every year, many people are deported back to the UK after their sentence - often they have lived abroad for a number of years, sometimes decades, and arrive with nothing; no money, nowhere to sleep and very often no family or friends to call on for help. Our caseworkers support prisoners during their incarceration, and then prepare them for their return to the UK.

A total of 339 ex-prisoners used the service last year. We have seen a steep increase in arrivals since the start of 2022.

Our resettlement service supports people on return to the UK after prison, we find them somewhere to stay, provide grants for food and travel, help them get access to the right benefits, healthcare, specialist training and employment services through our tailored training programme.

Through this, beneficiaries increase their life choices through gaining the financial skills required for budgeting, to access online services, make more informed financial decisions, and improve their education and employment prospects.

Prisoners Abroad

Prisoners Abroad is a human rights and welfare charity providing humanitarian aid, advice and emotional support to people affected by overseas imprisonment. We assist British citizens during their incarceration, when they return to the UK and need access to resettlement services, and we also support their family and friends throughout the trauma.

Prisoners Abroad translates human rights law into practical life-saving actions by providing prisoners access to vitamins and essential food, emergency medical care, freepost envelopes to keep in touch with home and books and magazines to help sustain mental health. 

Prisoners Abroad also helps family members affected by a loved one’s imprisonment by providing one to one support as well as hosting family support groups around the country and arranging overseas visits. Our work extends to a resettlement service that supports those who return back to the UK; we find them somewhere to stay, provide grants for food and travel, and help them take the vital steps to a new life.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: