People’s Choice Award 2024 Silver £1-2.5 Million

Winston's Wish
Wish I could wish you a Merry Christmas

Film & Campaign Description

Many of us wake on Christmas day with joyful anticipation and excitement of being able to celebrate with our loved ones. But some children will face a painful reality. They'll open their eyes knowing that the person they most want to share the day with won't be there. For these bereaved children, Christmas can be a heart-wrenching reminder of their loss.

'Wish I could wish you a Merry Christmas' explores a story familiar to thousands of children who are bereaved of a parent every year as they try to find ways to continue their unbreakable bond with their loved one and include them this Christmas.

Released in November 2023 the film accompanies the Winston's Wish Christmas fundraising appeal which encourages people to donate, fundraise or leave their own wish in order to help to make the holidays a little brighter for bereaved children. 

More information can be found at

Winston's Wish

We help children and young people find their feet after their worlds are turned upside down by grief.

At Winston’s Wish we’re aspiring to create a world where no child or young person faces grief alone. What’s more, we believe every young person should be able to access the support they need after someone important to them has died regardless of their age, location or circumstances.

No child or young person should be held back because of their bereavement. With the right support, bereaved children and young people can find ways cope and move forward with hope for a brighter future. 

We're proud to have supported and given hope to over 62,000 bereaved children and young people in the last year through our bereavement services, training and education activities. We've also given bereaved young people a platform to have their voices heard through our innovative youth team who help shape our services and through the sharing of their grief stories reaching thousands of other bereaved young people online.  

To access support and find out more about Winston's Wish visit

UN Sustainable Development Goals

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