As a teenager Will attempted to take his life several times. In Will's story he talks about how he came to feel so low, how important talking is and what else he does now to keep himself well. He also talks about how his relationship has changed with his father Jim. Through sharing his story for Boys in Mind he hopes that other boys and young men who are struggling will find the strength to ask for help.
Boys in Mind works in partnership with children, young people and professionals in a range of settings to promote good mental health and prevent suicide, particularly among boys and young men. Our work is guided by our 3 P’s – Prevent, Promote and Participate
No one should feel ashamed of: –
However, despite much work to challenge the stigma around mental health, many boys and young men are still unwilling and unable to open up about their difficulties and get help. They suffer in silence and tragically some go on to take their lives.
We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: