This film tells the story of Dave, who, having been recently widowed, joined Wheels for All as a volunteer to help him deal with his bereavement and to meet new people in his local area. Loneliness is one the greatest health concerns we face and many people are feeling more isolated and disconnected than ever before, but Dave is proof that having a connection with others through a shared interest, such as cycling, can provide a happier and healthier future for all involved. Our cycling engagement programmes are fine examples of how such communities can flourish and thrive and we hope the film captures not only the many physical and mental benefits of the services that we offer, but also shows how being part of a community can positively impact lives.
Wheels for All is a national accessible cycling charity which promotes inclusive cycling through a range of successful community engagement programmes that give people the opportunity to cycle on a regular basis; through help, support and guidance.
Most noticeably this is all achieved through our two nationally acclaimed initiatives, our namesake Wheels for All and Pedal Away
We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: