Global Rewilding Alliance
Return of the Wild

Global Rewilding Alliance

The mission of the Global Rewilding Alliance is to mainstream rewilding in science, policy and practice globally by 2030.

Our 170 inspiring partner organisations are active on every continent, bringing back dozens of missing species and reinstating whole ecosystems and land- and sea-scapes.

Rewilding is our best available nature-based solution to both the biodiversity and climate crises. Bringing practical hope, rewilding taps into nature’s resilience power and helps it heal itself.

The Alliance convenes and commissions top quality research, published in renowned global journals, to provide the credible evidence base for us and our members to lobby policy at the national and global level. We are also a learning forum to help rewilders globally to learn from each other, network and collaborate to accelerate their work on the ground, and build our collective influence.

Rewilding is a global movement of art, poetry, film, sculpture, music, literature as well as science and policy. Why? Because big change happens when hearts are moved.

Join us in this hopeful, growing, global movement. Nature is our greatest ally.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: