The Boaz Trust
Noah's Story

Film & Campaign Description

"This Christmas, people who have fled war and persecution will be sleeping on Manchester's streets, with nothing. Hopeless. Like I was. You can change that. You can help Boaz bring them hope." - Noah*

Noah shares his story of fleeing persecution and arriving in the UK in Boaz's 2023 Christmas Appeal, Noah's Story. He came to the UK hoping to find safety, but instead ended up destitute and homeless. "Life, for me, was hell," Noah says. 

The Boaz Trust helped Noah rebuild his life. Now, he's choosing to share his story to help others facing the same struggle.

A detention centre, a barge or a doorway shouldn't be anyone's home. At Christmas, or ever. We desperately need people to help us keep the doors of Boaz's houses open, giving more people like Noah a warm welcome and hope when they need it most.

*Name changed for security

The Boaz Trust

People arriving in the UK seeking safety deserve hospitality, not hostility. That's why Boaz provides safe accommodation and holistic support, and challenges the unjust systems that cause destitution.

All too often, people arriving in the UK seeking asylum end up facing destitution and homelessness. This should not be the norm. The Boaz Trust is a Manchester-based charity supporting people who have become homeless after claiming asylum. Our housing and one-to-one support is a lifeline for people who have nowhere else to turn, and who have been failed by the government.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: