Animals Asia has worked with Vietnamese watercolour artists, and a Hanoi animation studio, to create an animation to highlight the issue of bear bile farming, and the urgent need to rescue every bear from bile farms in Vietnam.
The cartoon follows the story of a young Vietnamese child who, while out walking with her parents, sees a teddy moon bear in the gutter. The girl rushes over to rescue the teddy, and the family heads home to clean and bandage him up.
“It’s a very human, universal trait to want to help those in need,” Jill Robinson, Animals Asia’s founder and CEO explained. “Something that binds us all is our innate ability to feel empathy for what others are going through, and our instinct to help those in need.”
Once the teddy has been bandaged up and has started to smile, the girl looks out her window and cries out: there’s another abandoned teddy! She rushes to get him and brings him inside to rest next to the first bear.
And so it continues; everywhere she goes she sees more and more teddies who have been abandoned, forgotten, and are in need of love and care. She takes every last one home until every corner of the house is full.
Her parents decide to build their daughter an annex on their house so she can keep rescuing the teddy bears in need. And soon, all the abandoned teddies have been rescued, nursed back to health, and are smiling.
“The story clearly represents Animals Asia’s biggest challenge to date: to build a second sanctuary in Vietnam so we can rescue the last few hundred bears who still live on bile farms.'' Jill continued.
“We hope this animation speaks to people all across the world, regardless of their age, background or language, and resonates with the universal human instinct for compassion.”
Animals Asia is devoted to ending bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals across Asia. We promote compassion and respect for all animals and work to bring about long-term change.
Founded in 1998, the Animals Asia team has been rescuing bears since 1994. We operate award winning bear rescue sanctuaries in China and Vietnam, and we are the only organisation with a bear sanctuary in China. Our founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE, h.c., Hon LLD is widely recognised as the world’s leading authority on the cruel bear bile industry, having campaigned against it since 1993.
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