There are now 105,750 households in temporary accommodation (TA) including 139,840 children; a new high since records began 25 years ago, yet TA remains an aspect of homelessness that many people never see or hear about. The reality of daily life in some of these B&Bs and hostels is extremely challenging. Properties are frequently unsafe, overcrowded and lacking in basic amenities, which can cause mental and physical health to deteriorate rapidly. Without support and with no clear way out of homelessness, many people feel stuck and hopeless. This film, produced by Stories of Note, explores the impact of our support with two people with experience of homelessness.
"They helped me move on, gave me confidence in myself and I've got a life back"
"Justlife helped me sort of put things in place and that's something I couldn't have done on my own because you are just falling apart, falling to pieces a lot of the time"
Justlife is a national homelessness charity advocating for people living in temporary accommodation (TA), with the aim of making stays in TA short, safe and healthy. Locally, our services based in Brighton & Hove and Greater Manchester support people with their welfare, health and housing needs. Nationally, our research & policy team works to identify and advocate for much needed long-term solutions to hidden homelessness, and is co-secretariat for the Households in TA All Party Parliamentary Group, which brings together MPs, people with lived experience and other stakeholders to drive change.
We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: