This video was created after a colleague who works at Staying Put, wrote a poem about their experiences of domestic abuse. This poem was then shared at our end of year event and there was not a dry eye in the house! We then made the decision to turn the poem into an animation in the hopes that it gives other people the courage and strength to get the help they need. We also hope it shows people that they are not alone.
We wanted this film to show how domestic abuse and coercive control feel and that it can happen to anyone. We also wanted marginalised groups to be represented in this film.
Staying Put is a domestic abuse and sexual violence charity working across the Bradford area. We support women, men and children who are survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.
We provide support to women, young people and men through:
A confidential phoneline and webchat to provide practical and emotional support to anyone experiencing or worried about someone experiencing domestic abuse
Early intervention and prevention- providing workshops to empower people experiencing domestic abuse. Drop in sessions in schools and colleges
We have a number of IDVAs- Independent Domestic Violence Advocates who support people who have experienced domestic abuse and ISVAS- Independent Sexual Violence Advocates to support people who have experience sexual violence
We have Hospital IDVAs who work within the hospital setting to recognise domestic abuse and provide training on the signs to healthcare professionals
GP IDVAs -IDVAS working in doctors surgeries identify, understand and improve domestic abuse interventions across healthcare settings. Focus on particular vulnerable groups who face the most barriers in disclosing abuse or accessing services. Provide training on how to identify domestic abuse to healthcare professionals
Male IDVAs- to provide support specifically for men experiencing domestic abuse
LGBT+ advocate- to support people in the LBGT+ community experiencing domestic abuse
DA Car- As part of partnership working with WYP, our trained Domestic Abuse Practitioners attend domestic abuse incidents jointly with the police to reduce the number of repeat cases to MARAC and to ensure timely interventions with survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Attendance to DRAM meetings- As Domestic Abuse Practitioners we participate in DRAM (Daily Risk Assessment Meetings) to help assess High Risk victims of crime for potential domestic abuse service.
Attending MARAC meetings- The MARAC is attended by representatives from a range of agencies including police, health, child protection, housing, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs), probation, mental health and substance misuse and other specialists from the statutory and voluntary sectors. During the meeting relevant and proportionate information is shared about the current risks, enabling representatives to identify options to increase the safety of the survivor and any other vulnerable parties such as children.
Providing refuges- We have four refuges across the Bradford District. We offer safe accommodation for single women or women with children in a range of shared and self-contained units, rooms or flats.
Providing dispersed accommodation- these properties are the next step from refuge, they are private properties in the community, where residents get extra support with managing a household through their Staying Put keyworker
Survive and Thrive Partnership lead provider- outing people experiencing domestic abuse at the centre of our work, ensuring that they get the help they need from partner organisations
We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: