You are viewing an archived entry from the 2023 awards

People’s Choice Award 2023 Gold Under £100,000

Friends Of Kirkby Fleetham CE Primary School
Friends Of Kirkby Fleetham CE Primary School - Watch Us Grow

Film & Campaign Description

With less than 20 pupils, Kirkby Fleetham CE is one of the smallest primary schools in North Yorkshire.

We have big dreams for our little school and believe our school song “Watch Us Grow” tells our story and what we stand for beautifully.

Through this platform we hope to increase visibility, grow pupil numbers and raise additional funding.

The fabulous play tree which inspired our song is at the heart of the rural community. To us, it is a symbol of the life, love, laughter and learning at our wonderful little school.

The song was written by songwriter and Deputy Head Kirsti-Anna Hume and is performed by the children and Rob Yeadon (ex-drummer from the amazing band James).

We hope you enjoy watching and thank you from the bottom of our hearts should you vote for us.

For more information contact us at:

[email protected]

Kirkby Fleetham CE School | Facebook

Friends Of Kirkby Fleetham CE Primary School

Friends Of Kirkby Fleetham CE Primary School enrich the education of pupils by developing relationships with staff, pupils, others associated with school and the local community. We provide activities, experiences and equipment through voluntary work and fundraising.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: