Moving from the mental health hospital into the community was a big step for me, creating my life design plan has given me the purpose and confidence to push forward and achieve the life I want, something others believed in the past was impossible.
This film was made by Speakup with Tim Keilty at New Prospects who help people to build good plans for their life which help them and the people closest to them to make it happen.
I wanted to make this film to harness hope and to show others that recovery is possible and that living in the community can be achieved by autistic people who have been in the Mental Health System.
“The real question is who do you want to be?” Tim Keilty
“To live the life that I want to live now is so empowering” Amy Telford
Speakup is a Self Advocacy Group run by and for people with learning disabilities and autistic people. We help people have a voice, employment opportunities and be valued and included in society.
At Speakup we see people and not labels and believe that everyone has the right to live a full and enjoyable life. It all started back in 1988 when a group of people with learning disabilities came together because they were unhappy that people were not listening to them.
At Speakup we have been supporting, employing and training people with learning disabilities and autistic people to use their skills and abilities to help others and make a difference for over 30 years.
We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: