You are viewing an archived entry from the 2023 awards

People’s Choice Award 2023 Longform £350,000-£5 million
Judges’ Award 2023 Longform £350,000-£5 million

Pennyhooks Farm Trust
Farming on the Spectrum

Film & Campaign Description

“It’s been a lifeline for me…If I didn’t have this farm I would have gone mad years ago”, Matt. 

Wait - Watch - Wonder

People are respected for their neurological differences,  a two-way process between students and staff. At Pennyhooks Farm the students know how the staff will be, there is no hidden agenda and a palpable respect for the skills the students are developing. 

With costs of £400,000 a year to run the farm and the work-based training plus the planning for a £3m residential building the work is not just on the farm. Fundraising is a daily activity and cannot be sidelined. The young people make and sell wooden products ensuring that they, too, are a key part of the fundraising team.

We all need a sense of belonging, to feel valued. In this film producer Ben Moore has sensitively drawn out the qualities that Lydia and the Pennyhooks Team of students and staff want to share widely - everyone has a right to work and to be respected for the skills they have. 

“People like me have aspirations and they (Pennyhooks Team) do not give up on us.” Murray. 

“I’ll never stop fighting for them. “ Lydia Otter, Pennyhooks Farm. 

Pennyhooks Farm Trust

Pennyhooks Farm ensures that Complex Autism is not a barrier to work based life skills. 
Using natures seasons the team of highly skilled experts, many of whom are volunteers, create an environment on the farm enabling young adults to fulfil their work potential. 
The Pennyhooks team, led by founder Lydia Otter, skilfully develop individuals through a deep understanding of their needs. Step-by-step confidence is nurtured reinforcing self-esteem in work based skills. 
Our film is narrated by our students. They tell of a special place where they are not only listened too but are heard. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: