"Cafe Chaos" a film created by BTM and Deaf Expressions (HOV).
Daniel’s goal is to hold his own deaf cinema event. He is passionate about making cinemas more accessible for the deaf community and has a lot of knowledge about the history of cinema. Daniel has spoken about silent comedy films and how he feels they are accessible for everyone. He decided to make his own silent comedy with the help of the group and staff. He hopes you enjoy ‘Cafe Chaos’!
At BTM, we are on a mission to break down communication barriers and ensure that information is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or language preferences. At the heart of our mission is the belief that information is a right, not a privilege.
We are a dedicated charity specialising in a wide range of Accessible Information services, including British Sign Language (BSL), EasyRead, audio, and translation services. Our commitment is to empower individuals and organisations to communicate effectively and inclusively.
In a world that's constantly evolving, the need for accessible information is more crucial than ever. The BTM team is passionate about bridging the gap between information and accessibility, making sure that nobody is left behind. Whether you're a deaf individual seeking BSL services, someone who benefits from Easy Read materials, or require translation services to reach a diverse audience, we've got you covered.
We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: