Blood Cancer UK
Blood Cancer UK: Louise's Story

Film & Campaign Description

The facts about blood cancer awareness are revealing: 76% of people with blood cancer say they were not told their condition was a type of blood cancer at diagnosis.

As part of a campaign to raise awareness of blood cancer, Cloud9Media assisted Blood Cancer UK in capturing the stories of 6 people affected by blood cancer. In filming the series, the approach was to go beyond numbers and stats by sharing the personal stories and lived experience of this disease.

Each of the interviewees provided their own very personal reasons for why raising awareness is more crucial than ever before, by framing their reason with “Because…”.

Our entry is 'Louise's Story', which speaks to the heart of why awareness is so important: though now in remission from Hodgkin lymphoma, Louise had to undergo 20 months of treatment, including a bone marrow transplant and chemo. Had her diagnosis not been delayed, she may have received the appropriate treatment sooner, which is why she advocates for greater awareness and prompt diagnosis.

Louise's story is one of 6 which formed the core of a campaign that kicked off on World Blood Cancer Day on 28th May 2023. The campaign was designed to increase awareness of signs and symptoms, help improve early diagnosis, encourage policymakers to prioritise the disease, and help everyone with blood cancer feel connected and heard.

The outcome of the broader campaign was that the profile of blood cancer was raised widely on social media, with one of the campaign films generating 327,000 views on YouTube

In addition, and helping to drive home the main aims of the campaign, the issues around blood cancer awareness were also raised amongst policy-and decision-makers in government, with this including highlights from MP’s in Westminster who took up the cause and shared information on social media.

Blood Cancer UK

Blood Cancer UK is a UK-based charity dedicated to funding research into all blood cancers including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, as well as offering information and support to blood cancer patients.

Blood Cancer UK's vision is to beat blood cancer.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: