Resting Reef

Resting Reef was founded by female design duo, Aura Murillo and Louise Skajem tackling the taboo topic of death. Sustainability is at the centre of the Resting Reef project, but so too is the desire to change the way we experience death and the creation of new traditions and rituals can be shared by everyone.

Resting Reef are on a mission to provide an environmentally-friendly, meaningful, and impactful alternative to conventional methods of commemorating a loved one, with a new tradition around death that truly honours life. 

Resting Reef offers an opportunity for both the deceased and their family to connect with the nature that lives around us. This is an integral part of the service, from the structures themselves to the mementos offered.

The unique formula features a combination of ashes and crushed oyster shells saved from food surplus, which are scientifically proven to nourish and enhance marine growth, while fusing a literal connection between us and nature. The reef sites provide families and friends with the opportunity to visit beautiful natural areas as part of the commemoration of their loved ones. Loved ones may also choose a memento. These are replicas of the reef structures kept at home, as a link to the structures on the seafloor.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Entry in Charity Film Awards 2024