MATRIX Neurological

Matrix Neurological is an innovative, small charity that was founded in 2014 by the mother of a brain injured young person, who found no knowledgeable or meaningful help or support was available, post discharge. Based in Middlesbrough, we provide neurological rehabilitation and support services to children who have an acquired brain injury arising from and accident or illness, together with their families across the Tees Valley and North Yorkshire.  We fill a significant gap in service provision and our innovative, lived-experience led services have been described as 'transformational' by the BBC Children in Need Grants Team.   

An acquired brain injury is any damage caused to a ‘normal healthy’ brain; post birth. There are two types of acquired brain injury: 

Type A) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), caused by trips/falls, road traffic accidents, concussions/sporting head injuries and assaults.  

Type B) Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (N-TBI), caused by meningitis, brain tumour, encephalitis, drowning, suffocation, strangulation, poisoning, Covid 19 and chemotherapy treatment.  

Acquired brain injury is the biggest cause of death and disability in children and young people in the UK; yet it is the least supported, least recognised and least understood disability, which leaves thousands of children with their complex needs unmet and placing their families into emotional and financial difficulties as a result.   

The NHS Estimates that up to 500,000 children attend A&E with a head injury every year.  At least 90% are dismissed with no further follow up, and live with a range of hidden disabilities that remain unrecognised or misdiagnosed.

Their complex physical, sensory, cognitive, communication, emotional and behavioural needs are not met by the NHS or CAMHS because acquired brain injuries do not fall into the ‘neurodiverse’ group; nor is it a mental health issue.

Our Charitable Aims are:

To improve long term outcomes by providing high quality and fully integrated neurological support services to children, young people and their families and carers by:

> Providing Case Management and facilitating access to appropriate services

> Provide intensive and innovative community and education, neuro-rehabilitation activities, that are currently not available, AND

> Provide peer support to families and carers of children living with the effects of an acquired brain injury.

We deliver these outcome through three workstreams: Case management service, Children and young people’s services, and Family Support Service

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Entries in previous Charity Film Awards