You are viewing an archived entry from the 2023 awards

Judges’ Award 2023 Silver £1-£2 million turnover

Children and Families Across Borders
Finding Home

Children and Families Across Borders

Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) protects vulnerable children separated from their family across international borders, reuniting them wherever possible. CFAB is the only UK charity with an international children’s social work team and the only UK member of the International Social Service (ISS) network. We identify and protect the most vulnerable children who have been separated from their families in complex and often dangerous situations due to conflict, trafficking, migration, family breakdown or asylum-related issues. Working with partners in over 130 countries, we ensure children have access to a safe home, no matter where they are from. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: