You are viewing an archived entry from the 2023 awards

People’s Choice Award 2023 Under £100,000
Judges’ Award 2023 Under £100,000

Healing Hands Network
Fundraising for Ukraine

Healing Hands Network

We are a small UK based self funding charity established in 1996 after the end of the Balkan war.

We work in Sarajevo, Bosnia for 6 months every year delivering complementary therapies to those who survived the atrocities, rape camps, concentration camps, loss of family and homes, who were displaced and suffered torture and abuse.

Our gentle regular treatments help them on their road to recovery from trauma and PTSD.

We began working to Ukraine as soon as the war started. We collected surgical, medical and humanitarian aid and sent it over. Then we began fundraising to buy vehicles such as ambulances and SUV's which we were asked for for.  We fill them with the aid and drive them over to Ukraine ourselves and hand over to our trusted Ukrainian organisation partners who distribute it across Eastern Ukraine where it is needed most.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: