Link To Change

Link To Change is a charity that supports children and young people between the ages of 7-26 who are at risk of or victims of exploitation. We provide 1-2-1 holistic support, early intervention, awareness raising sessions and targeted group work sessions as well as outreach work. Our support is ongoing meaning we only close a case when the young person is ready. 

Our vision is of a world where everyone can live free from exploitation. 

Our staff use the children and young people's understanding, knowledge and awareness to create change within them. This change could be behavioural, social or cultural. This includes exploring support around healthy relationships and self-esteem. 

Our youth participation programme is essential to ensuring we are a youth led organisation. Young people are involved in designing and reviewing our services. This involvement provides an opportunity to build upon their self-esteem, confidence and gives them the knowledge that they are using their experiences to help others. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Entries in previous Charity Film Awards